Next Delivery Thurs 27 Feb

Our Story

Nice to MEAT you!

We specialise in sourcing and delivering whole and butchered cuts of restaurant-quality meat - as well as a variety of other gourmet treats like family-size pies, select seafood and deli goods - to your door.

We are a small business that started 20 years ago when a group of meat-loving mates discovered a way to source export quality fresh meat at wholesale prices. Over time, close friends got in on the secret and the business has continued to grow by word-of-mouth recommendations only ever since.

We remain an exclusive and boutique business owned by passionate food-lovers that remain focused on getting the best meat and bespoke produce out to Sydney for weekend BBQs, family meals and gourmet dinner parties.

We offer all our customers personal meat 'concierge' service, always being available on email and phone for recipes and cooking instructions almost 24/7. We love all feedback/requests/suggestions or just a chat about a great piece of steak. You can also find our foodie pics on the gram @myprovidore.

We know if you choose to order with us it will transform the way you think about your next meal... and look forward to hearing about your latest culinary adventures.

Jamie & Matt

P: 0416 093 716